ACM Creativity & Cognition (June 2015, Glasgow Scotland)

Design Journal & Conference Calls

Dates: 22-25 June 2015
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Deadline for submission of papers: 6 January 2015
Deadline for submission of posters, etc: 6 March 2015

ACM Creativity and Cognition 2015 invites papers, posters, demonstrations workshops and Artworks investigating how interactive computing systems and sociotechnical processes affect creativity. We cherish creativity as a wonderful aspect of human experience, transformative and potentially transcendental. Creativity is the partner of inspiration, of moments when we seem to go beyond ourselves to reach new heights. Creativity is the font of innovation. Creativity and Cognition papers address the impact of computing on individual creative experiences, as well as social and collaborative contexts. In all cases, we seek for the presentation of work to include forms of validation featuring data about people, in order to show how computing environments impact human creativity. The data can take many forms, including qualitative, quantitative, and sensory. Creativity and Cognition 2015 will present papers addressing: (1) creativity support environments, (2) studies of technology, people…

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